In April 2011, I made the hardest and best decision of my life. I had a preventative bilateral mastectomy in order to manage my extremely high breast cancer risk. Now, follow me as I try to navigate nursing school..and well not much else because I'm so busy with that. But no matter how much else I can fit in, one thing is certain- life goes on!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sometimes life throws you a curveball

I started out this semester with the best of intentions. I was going to be the best student ever and really impress my teachers.

However...sometimes things don't go quite the way you plan...

I won't go into the gory details, just simply leave it at I'm probably looking at repeating this class.Which means a later graduation date...


My first initial thought was, "How could I be such a disappointment?" I've let everyone in my life down. After I retook the HESI Friday (We definitely won't touch THAT debacle), I was pretty upset. I managed to leave school without breaking down and headed to my car where I was about to start sobbing. Then I remembered I had to meet my clinical instructor to sign my final eval. Crap. I knew I was about to break my rule about not letting my teachers see me cry.

I managed to gather my composure and go meet her. She gave me a look and I knew SHE knew what had happened so I told her. She was so sweet and gave me the best advice. She said it would only make me better and that there have been a lot (she stressed this word) good (stressed this also) students who've had to repeat Adult 1 and they've gone onto graduate. She said it only made them better and not to beat myself up over it.

So I'm trying not to.

I'm still headed to take the final tomorrow (even though that's an exercise in futility if I've ever seen one). And then I guess I'll be meeting with the Dean to talk about my progression and if I can get right back into the class.

I'm heartbroken at the thought of my friends moving on without me. But I know they'll rock it and I'm right behind them! I had loads of great experiences this semester the OR and clinical!

So I'm actually ok with everything that's happened. I still know that nursing school is where God wants me to be. And I intend on graduating no matter if I'm 80 when I do! (That'll be interesting though).

On another note, I'm still completely loving my job at the hospital! I've been working in the ER some too...and it gets CRAZY down there! But I wouldn't have it any other way :)

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