Well I've been officially unemployed for a week. Let me tell you...it sucks. I hate not having an income. Or something to do. Really I could just sleep, and sit on the couch watching TV and getting really fat. But then that just makes me sad
I did interview at another hospital for a nurse intern position. I'm not sure if I'll get it or not but there's that. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'll start applying for other jobs these next two weeks. I actually have a two week break from clinical! WOOHOO!!!!
School is becoming so stressful. I'm terrified I won't pass classes and will get kicked out of nursing school. I'm trying to be positive but I still worry. I know if I don't make it through nursing school, I'll not only devastate myself, I'll let everyone I know down. I can't bear the thought.
On a happier note, Lent 2014 is underway. This year I decided to give up worry (can you really tell from my last paragraph?) and spend 15-20 minutes a day in prayer and reflection. All in an attempt to become a better person.
I used to be very involved in FORCE, However, I had to give it up because of school (mostly...there were other reasons). The "higher-ups" have contacted me and want me to do a TV interview for them. So I'll be appearing on TV tomorrow! I'll post a link as soon as I have one!
Well, this past week brought crazy winter weather, lots of TV watching, ICU clinical (which was awesome) and a test(which was NOT awesome). Let's see what unemployment week two brings!